Mar 25 2008

The Joy of Easter, Renewal, and Blessings

Published by at 3:03 am under Bits & Thoughts,Raks & Sweet Bits

Hello, Everyone!

No stamping on this post … it’s one of those less-frequent personal peeks.  Easter is always a time of hope, new life, the celebration of the Risen Christ, renewal, and it often is accompanied by the beginning peeks of Springtime.  I wish I had prepared a scripture for the weekend, as some of my favorite bloggers had done.  But alas, I missed that opportunity. 

However, this will always be a time of reflection for me.  As a child, I had wonderful celebrations at Church, followed by egg hunts with so many of my (now) life-long friends from our tiny hometown.  I treasure those memories and those irreplaceable friends. 

In later years, I found myself scheduling the burial of my beloved Daddy around the activities scheduled at his hometown Church for Easter.  Yes … I struggle with Easter … because of the personal loss that is so deep … but yet … our Spritual Gain is so overwhelming “because” of Easter!  Thank you, Our Father!  Thank you, Jesus!   And yes … “I miss you dearest Daddy!” … always.  Even though Easter arrived early on the calendar this year … the timing is within several days.  

The local Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom this week .. just sprouting their leaves around the delicious white floral display.   Our Asian Pear is also in full bloom!  Delightful Iris flowers are blooming here … and I hope the winds spare their delicate petals.  I know full well that these won’t bloom for another 2 or 3 weeks at the least up in the Northern USA, where my husband’s dear family lives.  I see “hope” in the beginning of Spring!  I have always “felt” this new beginning … longed for it … and treasured it’s bounty.  I’m learning to capture those feelings again, and I feel that Dad will understand.   I will always have my private, very quiet & contemplative times over this … but still … I feel and savor the hope and joy brought to us all by the Easter holiday.  Life is for us!  It is here eternally for those of us who will have faith! 

Easter Papa Boys Kite 530I’d like to share a few personal & joyful moments found here at our home over the Easter weekend!  Nothing … Nothing compares to the sublime JOY I feel in being blessed with my children and grandchildren!  Thank you, Father!  We were fortunate enough to share a late dinner with both of our children and their little ones.  My hubby repaired a Winnie the Pooh/Tigger kite for Eli … and everyone enjoyed the flying adventures of the kite out front! Easter Papa Boys Watch Kite

Later, both James and Eli scampered across a shortened area of Easter the kite 500the back yard, discovering how easily the Easter bunny had hidden countless colored eggs, as well as even more plastic eggs, filled with different goodies!  (Bunny’s eggs are much better than those of my youth!  hahaha)!Easter James watches Kite


I don’t remember the first time I actually saw a kite flying up close .. but I honestly believe that it was when my hubby flew one for our own two children.  On Sunday .. he delighted our 2 older g’sons with the easy flight of Eli’s kite.  These are memories of the heart.  I hope that you were blessed with “heart memories” over the most special Easter weekend.  Perhaps you were with family .. maybe you talked to a far-away loved one, maybe you talked to a sweet friend, or savored a special meal with someone special in your heart.  In any event … I hope that you found something extraordinary to savor … to save away in your heart.  I know that I certainly did … and that is what I wish for you.

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “The Joy of Easter, Renewal, and Blessings”

  1. Manna says:

    Thank you, Bev for a very touching post!

  2. Kerry D-C says:

    What a beautiful post, Bev. Thanks too for sharing the beginings of spring with us northerners who won’t see it for some time. 🙂

  3. Stevie says:

    Lovely post from my beautiful friend. This is why we all think you are “special” !! 🙂 Your description of Spring has helped me to imagine the warm breezes on my face. Now if only our snow would melt !! 🙂

  4. QC says:

    Spring…….I long for it!!! And I think I’ll be waiting a LOT LONGER than a few weeks to see my iris in bloom…….July and August for me, my friend!

    I hope your Easter was one of memorable moments and wonderful shared times with your darling grandbabies!

    I miss you my friend! HUGS from the “True North”…..where the winds blew our power out for Easter! LOL!!

  5. Heather P. says:

    That was such a beautiful post… Thank you for giving us another peek! 🙂

  6. Oh Bev, what a wonderful post!!! Thanks for letting us have a peek, you are such an awesome lady! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  7. Rose Ann says:

    What a beautiful and touching post!! Thank you for sharing all you do! Hugs!!

  8. Bev Barton says:

    What fun you had. I am waiting “patiently” for a little kite flying weather. 🙂

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